24 Nov 2017.

Davor Bruketa in the Algebra MBA e-Leadership Scholarship Jury

Davor Bruketa was part of the e-Leadership MBA scholarship finals jury, a competition organized for the second year in a row by the ”International school Algebra” in cooperation with Croatian Telecom. This is a unique MBA program in the region with a prominent digital component.

It is one of four similar programs in Europe, which according to the standards of the European Union and the European Commission adequately educates future digital experts for the need of the market by the year of 2020.

“This kind of program gives students a range of tools which will help them bring their business into the future, it also give them a competitive advantage, added value, global leadership capability and the ability to achieve their maximum by staying in Croatia, without having to emigrate”, said Bruketa, expressing the value of this scholarship competition.

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