03 Dec 2014.

The beginning of a wonderful friendship

Students of The International School in Azerbaijan had a workshop in Artgroup B&Z Baku


Since its foundation in 1996, The International School in Azerbaijan (TISA) has prepared students to be independent, lifelong learners and has developed in them the knowledge, problem-solving skills, values and concepts necessary for success.

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TISA has a diverse student body of 2 to 18-year-olds representing over 40 nationalities, and is a part of a select group of only 140 schools worldwide offering three programmes authorised by the International Baccalaureate organisation.

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Artgroup B&Z Baku and TISA became friends last year when TISA welcomed Helena Rosandic, Artgroup B&Z Baku’s General Manager, during its annual career fair. She presented the agency’s structure, way of working and selected campaigns followed by a short workshop with the students.

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This year, TISA students grasped practical knowledge as they visited the agency and went through the process of briefing, brainstorming, writing possible creative campaigns for a given product, and then presenting it to the agency.

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