“A soup to remember” was awarded at the only creative competition judged by journalists
The Epica Awards competition, established in 1987, is judged by media representatives from over 60 countries worldwide
The first global competition in the advertising and brand communications space awards the UBL sparkling wine Package Design
Untouched by Light, a sparkling wine by Radgonske gorice, won a Silver Statue at 2021 London International Awards. UBL is the world’s first sparkling wine produced and sold in pitch darkness, and preferably also tested in the dark. The London International Awards was founded in 1986 as the first international competition in the advertising and brand communications space. Today it is one of five global shows included in the WARC Creative 100 Rankings.
Untouched by Light, the only finalist from the region this year, won a Silver LIA in the category of Package Design. The winners were picked by jury president Ashwini Deshpande from Elephant Design, together with Alasdair Lennox from Landor & Fitch, Toshihiko Tanabe from Dentsu Inc. and others. Keith Cartwright from Cartwright, Matt Eastwood from McCann Health, Kathy Delaney from Saatchi & Saatchi Wellness, Joe Sciarrotta from Ogilvy, inter alia, headed some other categories as jury presidents.
Davor Bruketa is no stranger to jurying either, as he has already sat on the LIA jury a few times, and was the first jury president coming from Southeastern Europe.
In addition to this year’s Silver LIA, Bruketa&Žinić&Grey Agency has won four LIAs to date.
Besides UBL, the LIAs were also awarded to: Xbox for Equality Controller Package Design, ShenZhen Lingyun Creative for ZhiHou Baijiu Liquors/Spirits Package Design, Grow and BVD from Stockholm for Absolut Vodka Sustainable Packaging and IKEA Sustainable Packaging respectively, la red for Jägermeister Bottle Track, DDB Mudra Group for their convenient McDonald’s “EatQual” Retailer Packaging, etc.
The Epica Awards competition, established in 1987, is judged by media representatives from over 60 countries worldwide
The most sought-after international design quality label has been awarded not only to this unique collection of folk songs but also to olive oil from the Istrian family farm MTV.
They sit at large shared tables, while promoting contemporary art in the display window.