03 Dec 2014.
media: #digital communication #event #packaging sector: #creative industries

300 unique chocolate designs sold out

Humanitarian project «Something Nice Like Chocolate» succesfully finalized


Exhibition of the installation with 300 unique pieces of chocolate gathered many people wishing to help children from the Drop In Centre, in Belgrade’s Kolarićeva zadužbina gallery last week. This was the final part of the humanitarian project Something Nice Like Chocolate by Popular Bruketa&Žinić OM Belgrade.

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The chocolates that have been previously reserved through the microsite were given to thier owners with a donation of 1000 dinars per chocolate, and the money raised will be used to buy 300 holiday gifts for children in the Centre.

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The project was supportted by: Fond B92, Kolarčeva zadužbina, ChoCo, GoDigital, Proglas Public Relations, Staša Tomić, Artan Lili, Byzart digital print, štamparija Kolibri, GMT company, Miltin, IGEPA group i Fabrika fotografa.

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Popular Bruketa&Žinić OM / Boris Marčetić (Creative Director), Marija Diklić (Account Director), Miladin Miletić (Art Director), Nevena Vasiljević (Account Manager), Đorđe Ilić (Copywriter), Milan Maletić (DTP), Miljana Đorđević (Office Manager)

digital communication
creative industries

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