12 Jun 2013.

FFWD.PRO Workshop by Kadoić

Web conference in Zagreb

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Tin Kaodić, Creative Director in Brlog digital agency, part of Bruketa&Žinić OM group of agencies, held a workshop at FFWD.PRO web conference in Zagreb in June. The workshop entitled Going Analog has taught how to think outside the box and apply patterns from real world interactions to create simpler, yet memorable user interfaces. Topics like physical computing, rapid prototyping, creative coding, and learning through doing were applied.

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Among the conference’s lecturers were also Eva-Lotta Lamm (Google), Vitaly Friedman (Smashing magazine), Joe Leech (cxparners) whose clients are companies like Disney, Virgin and eBay, Sarah Richards (Government Digital Service) one of the people in charge for the revolutionizing the UK government’s approach to digital communications and others.

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