Water will show you the way: accept change as the natural flow of life
TTI campaign and Manage Life packaging design
A campaign to raise awareness about the consequences of reckless driving
The Slovenian car accident victims’ association VOZIM, the Institute for Innovative Safe Driving Education (or Zavod VOZIM), wanted to use a campaign to inform young people about the dangers of reckless driving and driving under the influence of alcohol. The campaign also sought to encourage Slovenian corporations to finance the Association’ activities making it possible for young people to hear the Association members who survived road accidents tell about their personal experiences and the causes and consequences of reckless driving, but also to hear their personal stories about living with disabilities.
The campaign idea is based on the following creative insight: Those who survive will tell.
We actually do many things to prove something to others, but also to ourselves. Reckless driving is truly something we should not be trying to prove ourselves with because if we try to prove something by breaking the speed limit, driving without a seat belt, or under the influence of narcotics, we might never get the chance to tell about it.
At the same time, the Agency’s team noticed that studies indicated that many passengers were reluctant to warn the drivers who were under the influence of alcohol that they would not be able to drive safely when drunk. If there is a car accident, those who had the chance to warn drunk drivers, and failed to do so, can only regret this because they will never get another chance.
The members of the Association have gone down that path, but they were lucky to survive. Today, they can tell their stories and influence the youth, but they need financial assistance to do so.
The campaign objective was twofold: on one hand, to clearly communicate that the Zavod VOZIM Association held lectures for the young and needed financial help for that purpose, and on the other hand, to raise awareness among the young about the fact that reckless driving had consequences that could drastically change their lives.
In accordance with this brief, the agency designed a campaign as a warning about the consequences of reckless driving using the slogan “Ker takrat nisem rekla ničesar, bom sedaj povedala vse.”(Because I said nothing at the time, I will tell everything now.), to present the primary mission of the Association and encourage people to make a donation.
The TV advert focuses on the lives of young people and their belief that nothing can happen to them, while we also present the lecturers from the Association and their life stories in other materials.
Bruketa&Žinić OM / Ivan Čadež (Creative Director), Vanja Osredečki (Account Director), Ivan Tanić (Strategic Planner), Drago Mlakar, Dražen Novak (Copywriters), Vesna Horvat (Designer), Nina Nonković (Account Assistant), Marko Ostrež, Radovan Radičević (DTP)
Super16 (Production)
Jure Matjažić (Director)
Zavod VOZIM / Petra Feldin (Project Manager)
TTI campaign and Manage Life packaging design
Campaign for Rimac Automobili on the occasion of its 15th anniversary