Something nice like chocolate
Popular B&Ž for Children’s Shelter in Belgrade
An Android application for breast self examination
In realizing the importance of increasing women’s awareness of the need to perform self examinations as one of the most effective methods of breast cancer prevention, Popular has created an Android application named CICE (BOOBS).
With simple data entry, every woman can adjust an alarm to remind her of her regular, monthly self examination time.
In addition to the reminder, the application also provides a simple and easy to understand instruction manual, outlining the self examination in just a few steps, and lists all the relevant Serbian institutions where women can receive information concerning breast cancer.
Popular Bruketa&Žinić OM / Boris Marčetić (Creative Director), Bratislav Milenković (Art Director), Nevena Vasiljević (Account Executive)
Popular B&Ž for Children’s Shelter in Belgrade
Brigada’s holiday gift for clients, partners and friends
Campaign for Rimac Automobili on the occasion of its 15th anniversary
Branding and design for the product line by a Croatian pop star Franka