06 Feb 2011.

In the jury of the Art Directors Club New York

The first Croatian representative invited to that jury



In March, Davor Bruketa was part of the prestigious jury of the 89th Art Directors Club New York competition, as the first Croatian representative invited to that jury. In the ADC juries there were also Karen Welman from Pearlfisher, London; Chris Campbell from Interbrand; Omar Vulpinari from Fabrice (Benetton Group social communication research centre); Sean Saylor from MTV; Chuck Tso from DDB, New York; James Clunie from BBDO, New York; and Feh Tarty from Wieden+Kennedy, London.

The Art Directors Club is the leading organization for integrated marketing communications and the first international creative collective of such kind. It was established in New York in 1920, with the aim of raising the quality of creative visual communications and connecting professionals in that field from all around the world.

The ADC members are the biggest experts in the field of advertising, design and digital communications.

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