28 Jan 2011.

Published in the book on creativity management

The word Clou can be translated as a point or a pinnacle; the book with the same title of the publisher Verlag Hermann Schmidt Mainz writes about the creativity management in marketing, by placing a consumer, or the targeted audience to be more exact, in the centre of attention.


The event of presenting the Puma collection in the Zagreb ZOO, under the name Pumus Trendycus, was described in the book Clou from 2009, of the German author Mario Prickner. The word Clou can be translated as a point or a pinnacle; the book with the same title of the publisher Verlag Hermann Schmidt Mainz writes about the creativity management in marketing, by placing a consumer, or the targeted audience to be more exact, in the centre of attention.

In the book, the author tried to examine in a new way the relationship between clients and creative directors. It is a very delicate relationship on which the quality and the final success of every marketing project depend. One who is satisfied with mediocre ideas, risks loosing the market game, claims Prickner. By going through the process of controlling ideas, through many supposedly taboo topics of the creative industry, he concludes that good ideas are exactly those that touch, inspire and in the end, motivate consumers into action. In this book, Prickner presented the ideas from all around the world.

Mario Prickner is hired by many advertising agencies, media and marketing departments, as a consultant in creative departments. For example, he worked for Adweek, Ad Asia and the Financial Times. He already published several books, and Pins and needles in my head from 2001 were sold in 100.000 copies in six languages. After the German edition, Clou was published in English by Thames&Hudson’s.

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